Health, welfare & safety


Health and safety HR policy

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states that all employers must comply with health and safety legislation. This includes having a duty to prepare and revise, as appropriate, a written statement of general policy in respect to the health, safety and welfare of its employees.

It makes good business sense to provide a safe and healthy working environment for your employees.

SOS-HR will guide you through making sure your health and safety HR policy and procedures are in place and published in a H&S Handbook for ease of facilitation.

We provide

  • Health and safety HR policy and statement

  • Plan to implement health and safety policy

  • How to reflect values and beliefs of your organisation

  • Employer responsibilities to provide and maintain safe systems of work

  • Employee, contractor and subcontractors responsibilities

  • Establish a line of reporting and leadership

  • Establish procedures for investigation accidents, incidents and near misses

  • Training your employees on health, safety and welfare

  • Carry out health surveillance, where required

  • Compile and maintain a H&S training matrix and audit

  • Make adequate provision for the welfare facilities at work

  • Monitor safety performance to maintain agreed standards

  • Develop and implement a Health and Safety Manual

  • Develop and implement a Driver Manual

  • Review the Manual on an annual basis, or upon significant changes within your business

  • Risk assessments, compliance and standards

  • Measuring performance and active monitoring

Ready To Get Started?

Give us a call today on 01473 276 170